Two laws, SB271 and SB326, which are intended to improve the safety of tenants of apartments and condos, were recently passed in California. Certain types of balconies and outdoor constructions must be inspected according to these rules, and any components that are determined to be harmful must be fixed or replaced. This blog post will examine these ordinances in more detail, explain how to establish whether your balcony is subject to them and provide a list of qualities to consider.
Following a sad incident in Berkeley, California, in which a balcony fell during a party, SB271, commonly known as the "Balcony Inspection Law," was passed in 2018. Six individuals lost their lives in this incident. The law mandates that all decks, balconies, and other elevated exterior features be evaluated by a certified inspector every six years. All structures with three or more multi-family dwelling units must undergo inspections, which must be carried out by a licensed inspector.
The "Balcony Safety Law," also known as SB326, was passed in 2021 and is applicable to structures with three or more multi-family housing units that contain raised exterior features like balconies or decks. According to the law, a licensed engineer or architect must assess the externally raised elements and provide a report to the Homeowners' Association (HOA) board. If any replacements or repairs are required, they must be finished 90 days after the inspection report.
There are several rules to follow when figuring out whether your balcony is covered by these ordinances, but it can be a little tricky. You are probably subject to these rules if your apartment or condo complex has three or more multi-family housing units and you have a balcony. To be sure, though, get in touch with your building's owner or HOA.
The following is a list of characteristics to check when checking your balcony:
The balcony is affixed to a structure that has three or more multi-family homes.
The balcony has a railing or other safety barrier and is elevated from the ground.
Any obvious symptoms of the damage, such as corrosion or cracks, are present on the balcony.
Any indications of water damage, such as color changes or mold, can be seen on the balcony.
When walking on, the balcony feels unsteady or unstable.
The balcony railing has a shaky or loose feeling.
There are any deterioration or decay indicators, such as rotting or splintering wood, on the balcony.
There are any indications of insect infestation on the balcony, such as termite damage.
If your balcony demonstrates any of these characteristics, it might require examination or repair. You ought to speak with your building's owner or HOA to arrange for an inspection and take care of any required repairs.
In conclusion, California's SB271 and SB326 legislation require inspections of specific types of balconies and outdoor buildings in order to improve the safety of apartment and condo occupants, EEEadvisor is here to help you with that. Look for the characteristics mentioned above to see if your balcony is covered by these ordinances, if you are unsure feel free to contact us for more information. We can help prevent terrible incidents and maintain the safety of our communities by having us do a free consultation to see if you'd pass inspection.