It is recommended that you first go with a balcony inspection before hiring a contractor to fix and repair any issues. A professional inspector can assess the condition of the balcony and identify any structural problems, such as rotting, warping, cracking, or loose connections. This information can then be used to make informed decisions about necessary repairs and upgrades.
A balcony inspection can also provide a report that includes recommendations for repairs and upgrades, as well as an estimated cost for the work. This information can be used to help you choose a contractor who is experienced, qualified, and capable of performing the necessary repairs or renovations to ensure the safety and stability of your balcony.
In summary, it is best to start with a balcony inspection before hiring a contractor to fix and repair any issues. This can help ensure that any necessary work is performed in a safe and effective manner, and that the balcony is able to support the weight it was designed to carry.
In order to comply with California SB326 and SB721, it is very important that homeowners hire a balcony inspector to ensure their balconies and exterior elevated elements are safe for human use. Here at EEE Advisor we provide homeowners with a free evaluation before sending our proposal. Make sure to check us out and he can not only help you comply with California Balcony Laws SB326 and SB721, but we can ensure your tenants are safe for balcony usage.
